Friday, February 21, 2014

Mile 16 With Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

This is where things stand with my surgeries up to Mile #16.
Mile 15 set me down fairly hard. We expected 4 spots with stitches. We got two with stitches. Both sites on my cheek with stitches were clear and stitches removed on February 11, 2014. The smallest spot on the rear of my head was clear after 3 stages. The spot in front of my ear was clear after 5 stages. Mile #3 (7/2/13) is the sealed new skin at the top of the new site in front of my ear. Mile #7 (9/10/13) is the site healing towards the top of the photo.  Mile #9 (10/8/13) is the small area healing above the new site behind my ear. The dates in parenthesis are the original surgery dates.

Mile #15 two weeks post op
The spot behind my ear was still not clear after the 5 stages taken. The site will get revisited late summer or early fall.  If I am reading the surgery maps correctly it is the lower edge that still shows cancer on the slides.

Mile #16 pre op
 My surgeon and I decide to do only the small area in front of my left ear.  Since Mile #15 gave us so many surprises we are attempting to keep Mile #16 simple.

Mile #16 appears innocent enough. The new skin above the site is Mile #6 (8/20/13).  The thin scar down the front of my ear is Mile #8 (9/24/13) .

Mile #16 post op

Mile #16 with stitches
Celebration!! Mile #16 is one stage and done. This site will get stitches.  Notice my hairline is almost back to normal down the left side of my face.  I am very grateful.  Above Mile #8, barely visible through my bangs, is Mile #6 (8/20/13).

With Mile #16 so close to my hair line my doctor opted for stitches that will dissolve. Therefore 7-10 days from now Mile #16 will be just a memory.  WooHoo!!!!! 

Regarding my face, the only other area of concern is my forehead.  My surgeon is working to coordinate this procedure with the same surgeon that fixed my eyes.  We are thinking April 2014 for the surgery. 

Speaking of 2014,  I will be having procedures 4-6 weeks apart after my forehead.  In addition, we will begin my alternative therapies as well. 

We are beginning the topical cream Efudex in a 5% strength.  I am blessed this cream comes in generic form, Flourouracil, it's $276.00.  My insurance covers it with only a $4.00 copay.  I will be using it for the next 4 weeks twice a day on an area on my shoulder.  The idea is to see how my body reacts/tolerates this treatment.  I can  easily monitor the area on my shoulder myself.

Trial area for Efudex

This area of my shoulder has 4 basals appearing to be superficial and one at the top right that is most likely a deeper tumor. I will use the cream twice a day for four weeks then the doctor will reexamine the site.  He asked me to wait until my stitches are gone and I do not require any pain management for Miles #15 & 16 to begin the treatment.  He asked me to monitor this area even more diligently than my surgery sites.  I am hoping to begin the treatment by March 1, 2014.  My husband and I asked why I should wait to start the cream. The answer is that like all drugs there are a host of side effects that can accompany this cream.  When the stitches are out and I am no longer needing pain management there will be no confusion as to what is causing any side effects that may arise. 

All that being said, I am heading to Texas once again for a sabbatical of sorts.  I am leaving Saturday, March 1.  The week of March 23 my husband is flying down to join me.  We will get to celebrate 19 years of marriage with my family in Texas.  I will keep you up to date on the Efudex therapy.

Take Away Nugget: Live Truly and You Will Truly Live

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mile 15 with Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

I found myself very anxious going into this procedure. Even with extra prayer time and meditation I never got to my happy place. I was in a good mood but things were just "off". My surgeon's staff even picked up on it. I share this just because sometimes you have to put on your big girl pants even if you don't want to.

The surgeon and I originally decided on 9 tumors to remove. After hesitation on my part we agreed on 5. Both of us were convinced 4 were small enough to be able to stitch them closed. I would only have 1 beast to deal with.

Before procedure.

 The larger tumor in front of my ear is the one we expect to be a beast. Before we began I wagered 4 stages on the larger site and one and done on the other 2.

Before procedure.

Mile #9 is visible at top right with all its new skin and hair coming in. I have not had to wear any bandages since November. The surgeon marked the dotted line as he expected the tumor in front of my ear to wrap around my ear. He does have some concern that I may  loose part of my ear. We both figure one and done on the two sites here.  We expected to be able to stitch up these two small ones and the two on my cheek today.

I should know better than to wager anything. Three of the smaller spots required 3 stages to get clear margins. The one behind my ear and in front of my ear required 5 stages to get clear margins.

After 3 stages on smaller 2 and 4 stages on larger one

The tumor in front of my ear did not wrap around as anticipated.  It did go up to the margin of scar tissue from Mile #3 and the darkest area to the left is where the fifth stage required going deeper. With the tumor so deep, extra care had to be taken to cauterize the exposed veins. The 2 smaller spots did get stitches. I apologize for not having a better picture of that. We started my prep at 8:45 am and I got into my car at 6:45 pm to go home.

Smaller one after 3 stages larger one after 4 stages

The smaller site in the picture above was much deeper than expected. Yet the larger site in this picture was not as deep as the others but under the surface went a lot wider than expected.

Both sites after 5 stages

The stitched areas on my cheek are visible over the date on the picture.  Again I did not get a good picture of the two sites with stitches.  The healing area above the large site is Mile #9.

The swelling from these sites makes wearing my glasses uncomfortable. I am putting this post together Mr. Magoo style. 

I am on pain medication again. That is a given I guess.  However, the generic I received this time is from a different manufacturer than my last prescription.  All are not created equal. I am having moderate to severe bouts with itching. Now I am taking a type of Benadryl to eliminate the itching.

To aid my body's absorption of the drugs I baby my digestive track with Greek yogurt, fresh fruit and veggie smoothies and stay away from carbonation and caffeine. I try to drink over 100 ounces of water with fresh squeezed lemon to stay hydrated and detox my kidneys and liver as well.

Take Away Nugget:  Paths Without Obstacles Don't Lead Anywhere