Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mile 19 With Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

My mother had cut my hair super short. In doing so we uncovered 2 tumors on the back of my head that my doctor & I had missed in previous examinations.  That meant in all probability it would take more surgeries than we initially thought to finish my head and face.

As I mentioned before, I arrived at the surgeon's office with a take no prisoners attitude. We went over all the remaining sites that need to be addressed before I begin a different type of treatment.

My husband wanted him to do 4 areas total that day.  The 2 we did today, a third spot on the back of my head and a spot inside my left ear that apparently has my husband in a tizzy. I tried to remain calm and explain to the two gentlemen that I call the shots on my body.

So on this surgery day we did the "eyes" in the back of my head. 

Mile # 19 Pre op

The one on the left is one uncovered after my haircut. The surgeon was equally surprised about this spot. The bald spot above it is from Mile # 9. My nurse had shaved a large area during that procedure and this area had to have been just outside the perimeter. The one on the right we were aware of and concerned that it may share a basement condo with the tumors behind my right ear. If that was the case this little guy was the tip of the iceberg. That was the reason I chose only 2 areas.

Right side post op
The tumor on the right took 2 stages and is cancer free. It was deep as we expected but obviously did not join with the other tumor site. The last spot we know of on the back of my head is also flesh toned and just down and to the right of this surgery site.

Left side post op
The tumor on the Left took 3 stages and is cancer free. It is shallow compared to the other side. The area at the bend in the back of your head is more sensitive than other areas. My previous experiences with this area have had me sleeping in my chair. This one proved to be no exception. Almost two weeks later I am just able to put pressure on the site.

12 days post op

So this is what Mile # 19 looks like. In 2 days I approach Mile # 20. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Take Away Nugget: You wont ever be SORRY if you trust GOD in the GOOD and the BAD in your life.