Monday, January 27, 2014

Headed for Mile 15 with Basal Cell

This year is starting off with a bang. People act like the polar vortex is a new demon. The temperatures in over 75 % of the United States have been below normal. What is normal? Mid Missouri has had more than a foot of snow above the average. What is average? Everyone of us is a different person this year than we were last year. So in a sense we have to have a new normal or new average. Wouldn't you agree?
Visited my eye surgeon last week. My vision has returned to normal ranges. My left eye is 20/20 with my glasses and my right eye is 20/25-1 with my glasses. He claims I am healing better than some 20 year old people. He has cleared me to resume normal activities and my surgery regimen with my Mohs surgeon. That being said, my next surgery will be February 4, 2014.

In February I will get the areas around my ears clean. Then in March we will get the forehead area clean. The forehead area will involve another visit to the reconstruction surgeon. During these surgeries the decision will be made on my next course of treatment. I am still researching topical, oral and photo therapy options.

January 27, 2014

December 20, 2013

 Take Away Nugget: What You See Depends Mainly On What You Look For

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year 2014 with Basal Cell

Happy New Year to ALL. Yes indeed I am late with this post.

I am pain free!! I have no stitches.  All my previous miles are naked 24/7 now.  Most swelling is gone from my eye surgeries.   But I'm getting ahead of my story.

Me and my 10 pound companion TBone

My reconstructi0n surgeon removed the stitches from my left eye before doing the reconstruction on my right. Lots of bruising and swelling. My depth perception was almost non existent. Every time I would take a step I felt like the earth was moving in the opposite direction. It is not obvious from the picture below but the bridge of my nose was swollen to the point of being flat. Wearing glasses was not an option for over three days.

Dec. 21 looked about the same Dec. 25
Besides swelling there were other side effects.  Any over stimulation with sound, light or movement brought on headache and nausea. I spent a whole 30 minutes with family on Christmas Day due to these sensitivities. I am not sure they minded as I was quite the sight. My younger nieces and nephews are having challenges with my health issues.

 The stitches on my right eye were removed on December 27, 2013.  My vision at that appointment was almost 20/50. I'm sure they were giving me the edge there. Driving was restricted for another 10 days. Then I'd be limited to daylight only and no more than 10 miles at a time.
Today, January 5, is the day I could drive for the first time since my eye surgeries.  I had it all planned: first church then treat myself to lunch. Well I woke up to 4 inches of snow, church was canceled and by noon there were over 6 inches accumulated.  It is not expected to stop before 6 or so this evening.  So much for my day out. However, it is beautiful from inside.

looking out my kitchen window

And so this is how my 2014 starts. I see the reconstructive surgeon again January 14, 2014. I will not have any more Mohs procedures until after that appointment. The areas over both ears still need to be addressed surgically. 

I have been having some questionable swelling on the right jawline so we will be adding an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist to the mix in February. 

My team and I are in discussions about topical treatments. I am leaning heavily on trying one of the oral medications available for my condition.

Again, Happy 2014 to all and thanks for all your support through 2013. 

Take away nugget: The only thing you can control is your attitude. Pick a good one. This year I choose an attitude of gratitude.