I had intended to begin this blog at Mile #2. Obviously that is not what happened. This type of thing, blogging, is way out of my comfort zone. That will be surprising to people who know me personally. I do not have a problem with person to person interaction. Nor do I have a problem with speaking to people I know or have never met. I guess the problem here is I can't see who I'm talking to. Also, something about this journey seems so personal and private to me. It may be too that I am dealing with personal guilt having not figured this out sooner.
I finally mentioned this project to my Mom. She was understanding, encouraging and supportive. We made plans for me to visit her. At her request, I made notes for each Mile and got my photographs together. She said if I did not have my blog up before I got to her, we would do it together.
So thanks mom. We've laughed and we cried but the blog has began.
Up to this point I have only given you the "Yuks"and "Gore". From now on it is my intention to share the healing progress also. The following photos, taken today are of Miles 1-6. They are still graphic, but what a difference a few weeks make.
Mile #1 |
As you can see, the nose is healed. I have been applying cocoa butter to the scar to keep it soft hoping to minimize it. Reconstruction may be required but that's later.
Miles #2, 3 & 5 |
This view covers three (3) different Miles. The Scar in front of my ear is mile #2. It's healed and like my nose I put cocoa butter on it.
The temple area is Mile #3. It is in the gellin stage. It still requires a bandage.
The spots on my cheek are Mile #5. They are in final stages of the gellin and can be naked in the day but must be kept moist. They still need to be covered at night since the skin is not totally formed over them.
Mile #4 |
Mile #4, my chin is healed and looks like a dimple. Yes, it gets "buttered" too.
Mile #2 & 6 |
The large area is Mile #6. It is 9 days since surgery. It has not reached the gellin stage yet. Bruising & inflammation are almost gone. It wears a bandage full time.
The pink area at the top left is from Mile # 2. It was ready to go naked until Mile #6 surgery which cleaned up the bottom edge. The basal by the ear will be a future Mile.
Take away nugget: Make a decision to stop making excuses. If you always make excuses. You will always have one.
It's good to see the different stages of healing. Thank you for sharing a very personal experience. Hope to see more posts as your journey progresses.