Friday, April 25, 2014

Mile 17 with Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

Site before Mile 17
I expected Mile 17 to be a breeze. My surgeon and I had discussed cleaning up an area we both thought to be minimal and superficial.  An area behind my ear from Mile 15 appeared to have very little remaining cancer along one edge. During that surgery day we experienced severe winter weather here. My surgeon and I opted, after multiple stages,  to come back to finish this site so that everyone could get home safely.
When I came back, the surgeon reviewed the maps from the previous surgery day and decided to take a larger stage believing we were going to be "one and done".

That was my hope also as Mile 18 was to be 10 days from this surgery date. Mile 18, my forehead getting the cancer removed on Thursday April 17, and the reconstruction handled on Friday April 18.

No such luck. After 2 large stages the bottom and rear were not clear. We opted to stop again for now.

Somethiing about that area of the scalp is extremely painfull. I had to take two pain tablets every 4 hours for the first 4 days and then two every 6 hours for the next 3 days. Went into Mile 18 feeling beat up.
Day before Mile 18

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