Thursday, May 1, 2014

INTERMISSION between Miles

4/25/14 one week after Mile 18

This is where things stood my last post. I was a week post op and wanting to rethink this journey all together. There are two grafts associated with this last surgery. The first on my forehead and the second on the bridge of my nose. That is what is hidden under the packing. The band aid on the tip of my nose is only an attempt to have something to hold my glasses on. My granny always said, "God has a sense of humor and he knows exactly how to get your attention". Isn't that the understatement of the year.

On Tuesday the 29th I had follow up appointments with both surgeons. My Mohs surgeon says my scalp sites are still healing marvelously. My reconstruction surgeon removed the stitches from my nose and central forehead area. Stage one of two suture removals. He told me he shared my case with some of his peers. One of them asked him if his Mohs surgeon hated him. I had to laugh, he has closed over 30 tumor sites on me in three surgeries. I am a test of his skills. So here I am today. The stitches in my scalp and down to my first graft are the ones to be removed Tuesday the 6th of May.

5/01/14 two weeks after Mile 18

With this surgery people have new assumptions as to what happened to me. Prior to this one a lot of people assumed I am a burn victim. Now the assumption is a car accident. I am a bit sarcastic in nature especially on "bad" days. A contractor working on my home yesterday did not say anything yet could not stop looking at me. I told him this is what it looks like if you live to tell that you were texting and driving. He did not look again. My husband said I needed a "time out".

I am in healing intermission from surgeries. My next surgery date is June 4th. I have been at this over a year. Next week I have an appointmet with my primary doctor to have a general checkup. He has not seen me since last July. That should be nteresting in itself.

So Happy May Day to all and God Bless.

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