Friday, October 11, 2013

Mile # 9 with Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

I made it through another Mile. WooHoo!! All you marathoners out there should have warned me about the challenges you hit at each mile. Mile #8 was definitely a (birthday) gift.

My surgeon and I are wanting to get my face and head cleared up by the end of the year. We discuss a plan to do that.  Next year begins reconstruction and my torso.

To keep on schedule I agreed to do two spot on my scalp today.   So one on the left and one on the right it is.  My goal for now is to stop over thinking. Or even thinking too far ahead.

Mile #7 (top) Mile #3 (bottom)

Lets talk about the status of Mile #7 first. The greenish spot to the right is an area that was trying to scab over. My surgeon cleaned this off. He says it does not hurt anything but can lead to excessive scaring. Mile #7 is at the top and Mile #3 is at the bottom, loads of new skin. Yeah!! Not sure how much change there is from last post. Look through the archives of my blog if you want to compare.

On to Mile #9.  This is the left side. Before surgery the spot is a little bigger than a dime and has been aggravated.
Mile #9 Left side Before
Mile #9 Left side After
 After 5 stages this is what we ended up with. The wound is a little over 2 inches in diameter.

Hallelujah it is clear of cancer all around.

 The right side surgery site is a little over an inch long.   After three stages we opted to stop on the area for the day. There is still cancer down towards the back of the ear and along the front of the ear.

Mile #9 Over Right Ear After
Mile #9 Over Right Ear Before
 Another reason to not put off treatment, the top almost merged with Mile #7 which you can see in the upper left of the 'after' picture.
Like I keep saying, if there is something abnormal on your body get rid of it.

Take away nugget: Don't be trapped in the wilderness of thinking! Be Content, Be Happy and Be On Purpose.

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