Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mile 13 with Basal Cell

With my vision impaired from surgery I will keep this short and sweet.

In My Happy Place Thursday 12-12

Marked for Mohs Surgery

10  Tumors Removed

After Reconstruction Surgery Friday 12-13

Five of the tumors required only one stage. The other five were clear after the second stage. No basement condos.  A lot less cancer than we thought. 

Reconstruction used graft from behind my left ear. Upper and lower eyelids were saved.  The white at lower edge of eye is gauze surgeon sewed in to hold graft in place.  It will be removed next Thursday. As you can see the other sites were sutured. 

To date without my eyes I have had 12 surgeries including 22 sites and removing over 210 square cm of tumors off my head, face and neck. Put all the masses next to each other and that is the size of an average dinner plate.

Thank You Jesus I could not have done it without you.

Take Away Nugget: Paths without obstacles don't lead anywhere.

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