Monday, December 16, 2013

Headed for Mile 13 with BCCNS

I can't believe I have had three weeks between surgeries. I am still healing great. I have been cramming a lot of events in a short amount of time. Tomorrow, Thursday Dec.12, I begin part one of Mile #13 removing the cancer off my left eyelid. Part 2 will be the reconstruction of that eyelid will be Friday, Dec. 13. Here are a few pictures to show the progress of healing so far.

Left Side 11-27-13

Rear 11-27-13

Right View  11-27-13
Crown 11-27-13

As of 11-27 everything is gellin nicely. Everything along my hairline is going naked. I trimmed more hair off after the 11-27 pictures to make bandaging easier.

Left Side 12-11-13

Rear 12-11-13

Right Side 12-11-13

Crown 12-11-13
In just two weeks time all wound sites are visibly changed. Lots of new skin showing. Wounds as a whole are less irritated looking more healthy bright pink. New skin is almost fully filled in at the hairline.

It is my intention to give you information about the conference I just returned from. I have my first eye surgery in the morning. I will do my best to complete the posts regarding the conference. It is my understanding from the surgeons that I will be sight impaired for a few days after each procedure. Surgery on my other eye is next Thursday. We shall see how it goes. No pun intended.

Take Away Nugget:  Pick a challenge bigger than you.

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