Saturday, September 20, 2014

Heading for Mile 22 part 2

It is August 5th and I am feeling much better. The Dr.ordered sabbatical is evidently just what I needed.

I am still healing very well and quickly. I get daily facial massages to help the new skin become less tight. At this rate there will be no need for any scarf or bandages at my niece's wedding on August 30.

Mile 21 is gellin and the biopsied site is healed

 Mile 21 second site also gellin nicely

Mick Jagger on Left

One week til Mile 22. A laser procedure on my eyelids. One thing that is nice is that from behind I am looking pretty normal. I have to grow hair strategically to cover what my husband used to call Mick Jagger on the left in the photo.

Take Away Nugget:   Learn to separate yourself from the busyness of life and spend time with people that matter most to you.

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