Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mile 22 with Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

It is August 12, 2014. I am thinking I am getting laser ablation (mini eye lift) to my eyelids. I have myself beyond excited because I think I will look 25 again. 

I get to my eye specialist only to find out the 10 or so baby basal cells are getting removed by using a microscopic laser scalpel type device. Bummer!!  No "25 again" for me - at least for now.  

For this procedure my eyelids are sanitized and then coated with a numbing cream. My eye doctor assures me that if the pain is too bad we can do the numbing  injections. He prefers to use the cream because it does not cause the area to swell like the injections do.  The cream is allowed to work so in 30 minutes we begin. It seemed to only take a minute or two and felt no worse than a mosquito bite. When he was finished he gave me a mirror and the areas he removed were little red dots. So tiny in fact they do not show in my photograph.

My eyes were itchy most of the afternoon by bedtime I had no symptoms to even know I had had a procedure that day. 

The evening did bring bad news. My brother in law, Keith, has been battling cancer since 2002. he has been in remission twice. This third battle has proven too much for modern medicine to combat. He is on hospice effective immediately and our prayer is for a miracle healing at best and if that is not God's will then let him live to see his only daughter married on August 30. I would love to share a picture of me with him but he is a very private man and asked me not to share any photographs.  I could not love him more if he was my blood brother, he was a divine connection  for me. I am sure I will get at minimum detention when I get to heaven. I told God, "I am ready take me. Let Keith see his children and grandchildren grow up.".

His strength declined rapidly and he left to be with Jesus on September 1. So now his heavenly birthday is the same as my son's earthly birthday. I called my surgeon and he rescheduled me to Wednesday, September 10th. Heart break and stress are not good companions. I was admitted into the hospital Saturday morning with severe nausea, after extensive testing the conclusion is I had a heart episode some time late the prior Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning. 

I was released Monday, September 8th with a special MRI of my heart scheduled Tuesday, September 23. There is old damage visible on my heart, from a heart attack in 2000 and something else they need to see better along the one wall of my heart. There is now a concern about a fibroid on the wall of my heart. So a second call to my surgeon and my basal surgery is now postponed to September 24. So there you have it. I am sorry that I had such a lapse in my posting but my attention was needed elsewhere.

Take Away nugget: All of us need certain things from people closest to us, and not all people are able to give it ti us. LOOK for your divine connections

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