Wednesday, June 17, 2015

May... Brings Flowers of Hope...

I am not sure if other people in my BCCNS family have challenges with different fabrics, colognes and cosmetics  like I do. My skin has always been sensitive to things. I have been tested and I am not allergic just sensitive to things I put on my skin. With all the surgeries I have had the past 2 years my skin is A LOT drier than ever before and the two lines of cosmetics I could tolerate before now make me look like I have Rosacea. A friend of my mothers can only wear Clinique. I never associated that line with sensitive skin so I set up a make over. I went on a day that I had absolutely nothing else to do. JUST IN CASE. Well, I am more than pleased. It hides most of what I don't want to see in the mirror.
With Clinique
I know they are bad selfies but I could not resist.

Without Clinique
You know how when you look at something all the time it usually becomes almost invisible to you? My scars may have become that way to the people I deal with daily.  Myself, not as much. Every time I look in the mirror  ALL I see is the road map of scars all over my face and neck. The fact that the makeup feels like I am not even wearing any is amazing. I know there are other makeups that cover even more. I do not think I could wear those. I had been in the clown ministry at my church and that makeup created challenges for me. I also have acquaintances that do theatre and I cannot tolerate stage makeup either. So this is awesome for me.   

One of the blessings of this past year is the relationships that have developed in my life. I have new friends that have become like family. Friends from the "good old days"  with whom I have reconnected. Extended family that have becomes friends too. I have my BCCNS friends and my business friends as well.

My Mom (left) and my Mother (right)

My birth mother moved in with me a year ago.  She helps me with all my  medical appointments as well as my business.  My mom lives in Texas still and I have been blessed to see her every couple of months now instead of once or twice a year if I was lucky. There happened to be a business event in San Antonio on the 7th of May so I stayed over to visit with my mom for a few days. This year I had both of my moms on Mother's Day for the first time in my life. They actually enjoyed each others company. This is them sharing the dessert they brought home from our lunch date. The two most important women in my life at one table.

My cousin under went a double mastectomy the Monday after Mother's Day. She went home Tuesday in full makeup, with her hair done and wearing what I believe to be a beautiful pink lace  dress. She went back to work from home that Wednesday.  As of this posting she is cancer free requiring no other treatments. She has resumed running for exercise and is feeling liberated and strong. Most of the women in my family are very well endowed. She has no qualms with her new A - physique. Thank You Jesus.

It was also inspiring to see some of my business associates in San Antonio. Between Clinique and the weight loss there were a few who did not recognize me. Our next regional meeting is in September this could get interesting. Four more months to work on the weight.

I had the MRI of my brain and my mammogram on the 18th of May. I saw my primary on the 19th and the MRI showed no internal changes since the last scan. I have calcium deposits in the falx of my brain. Those have stayed about the same for the last 4 years.

May 20th I saw my Mohs surgeon to deal with the tumors on my forehead, nose and behind my left ear, This trip was very different as my husband had the tumor removed for the top of his right shoulder during the same day. His ended up being a lot larger than he or I thought; he left with over 20 stitches. I actually stood behind the surgeon and watched the entire procedure start to finish. Yes, two patients in one room. The surgeon thinks that was a first in his career. The only down side is my husband is not as good a patient as I am AND he is off work until the 22 of June. Pray for me.

As for my procedures, the spot behind my ear was done with one stage.

Surgical site post op

Tumor site pre op


 The surgeon opted to biopsy the spot on the right side of my nose also. The spot on the left side of my nose took two stages. The tumor on my forehead that everyone thought was benign took 4 stages to be cancer free.

Biopsy and surgery sites marked

nose and forehead post op
The surgeon was able to close my forehead most of the way there was a small area in the middle that was left open to heal.

My forehead after stitches

My husband and I were scheduled to return for suture removal on the 27th. That week was very interesting. My husband definitely has a new appreciation for my surgical procedures.  The 27th could not come fast enough for me.  Even after watching my husband through his entire procedure I did not notice that the stitches used internally were clear. The stitches externally were dark. Had I paid closer attention I would not have made another trip on the 29th to the surgeon's office thinking we missed a stitch or two of mine.  DUH!

May came and went. My mammogram came back with something of concern so they requested film from the last 3 that I had for comparison. No news as of June 1.

T.O.P.S. update as of June 1, 2015 I have lost 42.25 pounds. 

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