Sunday, December 7, 2014

Mile 23 with Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

On Wednesday, September 24, I arrived at my Mohs surgeon's office for the last of the Mohs procedures of 2014.One spot behind my left ear.

Three stages later the site was cancer free. Whats even better, It looked like stitches were going to be possible.

So stitches it was. I was scheduled to come back Friday, October 3 to get the stitches out.

One of the down falls of not getting to my blog in a timely manner is loosing pictures. I had my stitches removed on Friday October. I should have gone a few days sooner. My head heals very quickly and some of the stitches were completely covered with new skin. With that type of swelling things can get missed. I made a return trip the following week on Tuesday the 7th of October to have a few missed sutures removed. This time they had to numb the area to get them out. And unfortunately those pictures are missing.

Take Away Nugget: If you find yourself trying to do something and you do not have the help you need, you might need to ask yourself if you are doing the right thing.

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